Crawler Dozers

Design-Build Team Tackles U.S. 1/64 in N. Carolina →

From Construction Equipment Guide... The design-build team of The Lane Construction Corporation, SEPI Engineering Group and The LPA Group of North Carolina is well on its way to earning a bonus for the early completion of improvements to U.S. 1/64 in Wake County, NC. Crews are nearing the halfway mark of the $58-million project, according to Spokesman Kipp Bodnar of MMI Associates Inc., and should be complete by the end of the year — six months ahead of the deadline.  Click for more...

MD Property Proves to Be Worth Its ’Wait’ in Sand, Gravel →

From Construction Equipment Guide... Thousands upon thousands of years ago, eroded material from the Appalachian Mountains was carried down the Potomac River and deposited throughout the Chesapeake Bay region. One such deposit area in what is now Prince George’s County, MD, near Washington, D.C., is known as the Brandywine formation. It contains a rich concentration of that eroded material, which over the years has become sand and gravel.  Click for more...

Tomco Construction Grows With ’Out-of-the-Ordinary’ Jobs →

From Construction Equipment Guide... Tomco Construction, a former lawn care company, has evolved into one of New Jersey’s leading site-development contractorsWhen Tom Schoonmaker started a lawn-mowing/landscape maintenance business in his hometown of Parsippany, NJ, in 1978, he had no idea he would one day employ more than 60 people in a highly-diversified, full-service contracting firm. Back then, all Schoonmaker was trying to do was make a living.  Click for more...

Contractor Finds Uplifting Solution to Low Set Bridge →

Alabama highway officials weren’t about to let a small bridge stand in the way of safety. But rather than raze it, they raised it — approximately 2 ft. (0.6 m) to make way for a $4.69-million project designed to ease congestion and improve safety at the accident-plagued Interstate 10/Interstate 65 interchange. Mobile Asphalt Co. of Mobile, AL, is the primary contractor on the job, which includes extending lanes on both interstates, changing the alignment on the ramps, making concrete barrier rails taller and thicker and improving lighting, according to Jay Palmer, district engineer of Alabama Department of Transportation in Mobile.  Click for more...

Stanford Stadium Axed; New Arena Construction Under Way →

From Construction Equipment Guide... How do you cut the time to construct a stadium in half?For some general contractors, they fast-track a project, issuing bid packages before a project’s designs are completed. For others, design-build is used as a means of cutting costs and expediting a project. But for Vance Brown Inc., of Palo Alto, CA, and the $115-million Stanford Stadium under construction at Stanford University in Stanford, CA, “The project delivery method is a hybrid between fast-track and pure design-build,” explained Vance Brown’s Senior Project Manager Rodney Humble.  Click for more...

Monroe Tractor Celebrates 55-Year Anniversary →

From Construction Equipment Guide... “Don’t call me in the middle of the night if you have a problem.” That’s what Len Frederico, CEO and president of upstate New York’s Frederico Construction, said many equipment dealers would tell you if you had equipment break down. Saving Frederico Construction from a serious situation is just one of the reasons why Frederico prefers to work with Monroe Tractor when he buys, sells, or rents heavy equipment.  Click for more...

Exhibitors Poised for Pittsburgh →

Construction equipment enthusiasts, contractors, landscapers, highway superintendents and public works officials, get ready! On Feb. 7 and 8, the second annual Pittsburgh Construction Expo will showcase virtually everything your business or township needs to get the job done. The Pittsburgh ExpoMart in Monroeville, PA, will again be the setting for the latest and greatest in iron and construction industry services.  Click for more...

R.E. Harris Makes the Grade at Elementary Project →

From Construction Equipment Guide... Over the past few years, the crew at R.E. Harris Construction has become educated in the art of building schools. A 30-member crew is currently building a $12-million elementary school in Lake Mary, FL, for the Seminole County School Board. Work began in July and should be completed in July 2006. The crew may be experiencing deja vu at this 18-acre site. “We have built this school four times already,” said President Robert Harris.  Click for more...

MO’s Smooth Road Plan Keeps Crews Rolling →

From Construction Equipment Guide... Missourians saw more road construction this year — in fact, more than ever before in the state’s history. Crews are working to produce smoother roads in the state — approximately 2,200 mi. of them for starters. The flurry of work came after voters passed Amendment 3 in November 2004 giving the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) the green light for major road repairs. The amendment’s passage led to the creation of the $400-million Smooth Road Initiative, a plan to create more than 2,000 mi.  Click for more...

Small Illinois Contractor Moves Dirt for Big Jobs →

From Construction Equipment Guide... It’s a wise businessman who can find his niche market and be successful in it. Such is the case with Joe France, owner of France Bulldozing, Astoria, IL. France Bulldozing is a four-man company that specializes in small earth-moving jobs. Besides Joe, employees include his son Brandon, one full-time equipment operator and one part-timer. While France Bulldozing may not be seen as a big player with high profile jobs, the company’s dedication to service is recognized as second to none.  Click for more...

NJ Company Builds Reputation for Tackling Tough Jobs →

From Construction Equipment Guide... Mike Jost has always had a fascination with heavy equipment. As a child, he was often found playing with Tonka toys and laying imaginary pipe. Today, he’s living out his childhood dreams as owner and president of Mike Jost Excavating, one of northern New Jersey’s premier private excavating companies. “I’ve always liked the business,” said Jost, whose company is based in Franklin Lakes, NJ.  Click for more...

Slater & Diehl in Transport Business for the Long Haul →

Jerry Diehl Jr. still plays with trucks — they’re just a lot bigger now. The little kid making truck noises and pushing diecast, scale model tractor-trailers across the living room floor near Hatfield, PA, is now a well-spoken, entrepreneur using big rigs to pull construction equipment across real roads. “If it’s big and ugly, we’ll haul it,” said Diehl Jr., co-founder of Slater & Diehl Equipment Transport Inc.  Click for more...

Dinosaur-Sized Amounts of Triassic Rock Challenge Lane Construction →

From Construction Equipment Guide... Workers combat excavation of dense Triassic rock along the developing Interstate 540 — the outer loop of the Raleigh, NC, beltway — in addition to settlement issues associated with the use of this type of rock as fill. Lane Construction Corporation began work in April 2004 on two adjoining I-540 projects located in northwest Raleigh that total 5 mi. of new road construction. According to Ed Craver, resident engineer of the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT), one project runs from NC 55 to Davis Drive and the second runs from Davis Drive to I-40.  Click for more...

Small NJ Firm Gets Slice of Cherry Hill’s Redevelopment Pie →

From Construction Equipment Guide... While it was never one of the seven greatest man-made wonders of the world, at least the building at 926 Haddonfield Rd. is no longer one of the seven greatest man-made eyesores of Cherry Hill, NJ. The abandoned building on the 1.8-acre (.72 ha) tract was an unflattering complement to the ghostly shell of the 223-acre (90.2 ha) former Garden State Park horse race track directly across the street. Dilapidated and abandoned is not the image that Cherry Hill Township wanted, according to Mayor Bernie Platt.  Click for more...

Caterpillar Unleashes H Series on Press at Aurora Plant →

From Construction Equipment Guide... Caterpillar officially introduced its H Series wheel loaders, wheel dozers, compactors and work tools at a press event at its plant in Aurora, IL. The plant, situated on 370 acres, was built in 1958 and employs some 2,900 workers. The facility features 45 robotic welders, monorail material movement, self-guided vehicles and Caterpillar solar gas turbines, which provide WLED electricity for the operation.  Click for more...

MA Construction Firm Makes Rare Expansion Into Blasting →

From Construction Equipment Guide... Over the past 60 years, the construction firm John J. Paonessa Company Inc. in Massachusetts has had a “blast” working in the industry. The company, which services northern Massachusetts and southern New Hampshire, has expanded its business from municipal and roadwork to large commercial and residential site work, including drilling and blasting. And recently, it started a new division based in Lowell, MA, called Precision Drilling and Blasting, which offers custom crushing in addition to rock blasting.  Click for more...

New Equipment Makes Debut at Highway 74 Site →

An improved piece of iron made its national debut this spring at the U.S. 74 highway project in Robeson County, NC. According to Terry Moore, of R.W. Moore Equipment Company, headquartered in Raleigh, NC, the John Deere 210 rubber-tired excavator was selected for this project because of the large job site and the machine’s ability to set jersey barriers and pipes and dig trenches. “The 210 requires less maintenance, is more efficient and compact, and can do more operations than [our previous machines],” Moore said.  Click for more...

Athletic Field Services and Ehrbar Tear Up Some Turf →

From Construction Equipment Guide... Years ago, Jon Sweeney, president of Athletic Field Services, turned his love for sports into a career when he constructed his first ballpark for St. Luke’s High School in New Canaan, CT. By the completion of that first job, he knew that he had found his niche. KickoffRecently, Sweeney returned to the field where his dream job began when he was named to build St. Luke’s new football field.  Click for more...

Interstate 95 Improvements Part of $400 Million ’Mobility 2000’ Project →

From Construction Equipment Guide... As with most of the Interstate 95 corridor in Florida, changes and upgrades need to take place periodically in order to keep up with the steady population growth, the growing traffic flow, the damage from tropical storms and hurricanes and general heat and moisture damage that plague all Florida roadways. Florida is one of the fastest growing states in the country. The population has doubled since 1970 to more than 15 million today.  Click for more...

$12M Job Expands Arlington National Cemetery by 40 Acres →

From Construction Equipment Guide... Our nation’s military burial ground is in the midst of a needed expansion project. A total of 26,000 graves are being added to the current 215,000 graves at the 200-acre Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, VA. The expansion is necessary to accommodate the large number of veterans from World War II. According to John Metzler, cemetery superintendent, this group is currently the largest population of daily burials.  Click for more...

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