Mon March 20, 2017
Continuous analyses of operational and productivity data are an important key to provide full availability and optimised productivity of machine fleets and processing equipment in quarrying and recycling applications. On Keestrack's mobile crushing and screening plants the advanced GSM/Satellite-based monitoring tool Keestrack-er guarantees full real-time location information and status reports and offers access to the plants control software for immediate adjustments or larger updates.
Two-Way System
The Keestrack-er telematic system was introduced as an option on the latest generation of Keestrack screeners and crushers two years ago. Key components are a GSM/UMTS modem and a combined GSM/GPS antenna, which are linked through CAN bus to the machines' main control unit. Real-time performance values (engine/drive speeds, hydraulic pressures, crusher settings, etc.), stored data and the machine's accurate position are transmitted via GSM network and the local GSM provider's internet access to the central Keestrack server. The information memorized and administered on this server can now be safely and reliably retrieved at any time and from everywhere worldwide. The interactive structure of Keestrack-er also allows direct access on the machine's PLC-controller to fix or update the plant software.
Customizable Platform
According to the varying needs of involved parties – machine owners, service experts at dealers and technicians in Keestrack's competence centers – Keestrack-er offers different service packages to display, manage or edit the plant values and data.
The Telematic Viewer gives immediate access to all relevant parameters of drive components and installed ancillary equipment. For the ease of smartphone, tablet or laptop users important values are displayed in dashboard style, intuitive graphics inform about activated components (screens, conveyors, etc.) and alert in case of malfunctions and abnormal values. This enables users to react instantaneously to avoid further damages by stopping the operation or reviewing scheduled maintenance to minimize productivity losses.
The Web Portal is the ideal management tool for single Keestrack plants or machine fleets. Individual reports list all relevant data, clearly identified for specific plants, time periods (shift, GPS-based tracking tool helps to follow-up on-site or site-to-site working plans and to prevent contractual misuse through “geo-fencing” agreed operation areas.
The Telematic Editor offers direct access to the PLC-controller of the screen or crusher. With the machine owner's approval skilled personnel from Keestrack's competence centers can run real-time diagnostics and initiate remote software updates to solve problems. This tool is quite unique in the mobile processing segment and proves Keestrack's global commitment to ensure the best availability of its plants.
Intelligent Future
With its combination of proven hardware components – as option on all new Keestrack plants, retrofit-packages are available for selected 2015/2016 screens and crushers – reliable network solutions and attractive annual subscription rates for the different service packages Keestrack-er offers today one of the industry most competitive remote monitoring solutions. Identifying customer needs the in-house platform design department is continuously developing the system's offering. Next steps will be integral fleet management tools for combined machines and automated maintenance planning according to detected wear characteristics.
For more information, visit www.keestrack.com